New Year, New Home: Selecting Rugs

They don’t call them magic carpets for nothing! When it comes to transforming a room, rugs pack one powerful punch. Area rugs anchor a room, define a space, add visual interest with color and texture, absorb noise and protect flooring. But how do you go about selecting rugs for your home?

Consider Existing Décor

Selecting rugs
When selecting rugs, try to coordinate with existing paint, furniture, bedding or window treatments. Or if you are starting from scratch, choose a rug first and build the room’s color scheme and style around the new rug.

Consider Lifestyle and Budget

Selecting Rugs
Rugs are made from a variety of materials. If you like to change your decor frequently or have a small budget, synthetic rugs, made from polypropylene or nylon, are a good choice. Synthetic rugs provide water and UV-resistance at low prices and are good at hiding dirt. Nylon is the higher quality of the two because of its greater bulk and ability to hold color well. Cotton rugs are even more affordable, but they can stain and wear out quickly.
Looking for great texture and something eco-friendly? Plant-based fibers such as sisal, jute and bamboo are biodegradable and made from renewable sources. They are also relatively inexpensive, but they are difficult to clean and may only last a few years with heavy use. They are a good choice for short-term use, outdoor rooms or light-traffic areas.
Looking for high-quality and durability? Wool rugs are naturally stain-resistant, don’t flatten easily, are soft to the touch and can last for decades with good care. They are stylish, family friendly and excellent for high-traffic areas. But, of course, their quality is reflected in their price. Wool rugs are more costly than other options, but are worth the extra cost if maintained and enjoyed for many years.

Select the Right Size

Area rugs create a focal point. If the rug is too large, this benefit is lost and the rug simply looks like wall-to-wall carpeting. If the rug is too small, it fails to draw the eye and provide the desired impact. But what is too large or too small? Here are some general guidelines.
Selecting rugs
In the family room, select a size that covers at least the length and width of your furniture. A 5′ x 8′ or 6′ x 9′ rug is a good size to cluster furniture around for an intimate area; or select a larger size that outlines the furniture to expand the space. Furniture with the front feet only on the rug creates a casual look, while furniture entirely on or off is more formal.
Selecting Rugs
In the dining room, the rug should be large enough to allow space for chairs even when pulled away from the table. Measure your table and add approximately two feet. Any surrounding furniture, such as a china cabinet or serving pieces, should be on the floor, not on the rug.
Bedroom rugs
In the bedroom, the rug may serve as an accent at the foot of the bed (with the footboard on the rug) or next to the bed. Or, the bed may rest entirely on top of the rug to provide both style and comfort. Allow at least 18 inches from the edge of the bed if the bed will rest on top of the rug.
In all cases, try to have at least 18 to 24 inches of uncovered flooring around the perimeter of the room. And when in doubt, use painter’s tape to outline the size rug you are considering. This will help you visualize the rug better and determine if you like the look.
Up next: The Power of Accessories!

Image Source: Barbara Gilbert Interiors